Monday, July 18, 2011

An interview

RJ: So, this is your second attempt at keeping a blog, is it not?

Ross: Yes. My first attempt was a miserable failure.

RJ: How so?

Ross: Nobody was interested, least of all myself. I posted maybe six times over a period of one year.

RJ: Yikes. So this is a reboot? How will things be different?

Ross: Definitely a reboot. I can't do anything about other people's interest, but I can at least be interested in it myself. I am going to expand the topics to include all of my obsessions, not just running. That will give me more to post about. Plus, in those times when I am getting burnt out with running, or just feeling down and unwilling to share about my running, I will have a diversion.

RJ: Will it be more entertaining?

Ross: Probably not, except to myself, I hope.

RJ: Are you going to be more committed to this use of your time?

Ross: That is the key question, isn't it? I have never been good at journaling. In school, whenever we were supposed to keep a journal, I would end up writing all of my entries they night before our journals were due. Even as a grad student, and later as a post doc, I was terrible at keeping my notebook up to date. I'm not optimistic, but we will see.

RJ: Formerly, your blog had been titled "The Rematch: Superior Trail Fall 50", how did that work out?

Ross: It was a push. My 2010 time was about the same as 2009, about 14:15. A little slower actually. However, with the heavy rain over night, the trails were much slower. Also, I felt about 50 times better at the finish than I did in 2008.

RJ: So what are your trail running goals now?

Ross: Right now I am hoping to finish my first 100K, with my sights set on the Wild Duluth 100K this fall. After that, I am looking towards doing a 100M next year, maybe the Zumbro 100.

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